EnergyPlus ™ is a caffeine free, all natural herbal energy and focus supplement that gives you smooth, sustained energy without the jitters or crashes.
We might feel too tired to bicycle, swim, or just get through a day at work but lacking energy has an even greater impact on digestion, immune response, and building muscles. Lack of energy undermines every cellular action.When we lack energy, most of us reach for caffeine, sugar, or other stimulants. Stimulants bring a false sense of energy, but don’t increase actual energy levels at all. Instead, they tax the heart and adrenals. They can eventually lead to serious health challenges.
Fortunately, well-designed dietary supplements can augment energy levels. Such supplements should provide:For over 20 years, EnergyPlus™ has provided clean, clear, lasting energy to countless thousands of people. Its combination of spirulina, Superior Herbs, adaptogens, and Rasayanas contain scores of phytochemicals that serve as raw materials for energy production.
These ingredients also tonify every organ system and provide an abundance of the “inherent” energies identified by the world’s great holistic disciplines. The result is a powerful energy surge you’ll feel from the very first day. *
What you will NOT notice are the unpleasant effects of stimulants. You will not feel those “clammy jitters.” It will NOT keep you up all night wishing you could sleep. You’ll feel more vital, more vibrant, and more productive, yet also more relaxed.*
You may also notice improvements in hair, skin, and nails. Virility and libido may improve, mental processes may seem sharper, and countless other benefits may appear. Such benefits are the natural companions of ingredients that have been used for millennia to gently, but powerfully improve health.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.