Seasonal Cold & Flu Care: Herbs to Stop Sickness In Its Tracks
Seasonal Cold & Flu Care: Herbs to Stop Sickness In Its Tracks
Last week, we provided you with some tips for how to prevent illness, but let's say, despite your best efforts, you wake up one day feeling decidedly under-the-weather. Nobody wants to be sick around the holidays, but it happens--and when it does, we know you want to get better as fast as you can so you can go back to enjoying the season's festivities. Read on to discover our top tips for relieving symptoms and fighting infection.
Herbs and Supplements for Cold & Flu Care
Echinacea, a flowering plant native to North America, is a popular natural supplement for immunity, well-renowned for its infection-fighting properties. The plant's root, flower, and leaf have all been used by native tribes for hundreds of years, and the herb remains a popular remedy for colds and flu today. Studies have revealed that echinacea itself has both antiviral and antibacterial properties, and it also contains compounds that stimulate the production of white blood cells, helping your body to fight off pathogens and infection. The plant's anti-inflammatory properties contribute to symptom relief and faster healing, and research has suggested that supplementing with echinacea can help shorten the duration of illness when taken early.
- Echinacea Purpurea Root
- Echinacea Angustifolia Root
- Solaray® Echinacea Angustifolia Capsules
- Dr. Christopher's Echinacea Glycerine Extract
- Dr. Christopher's Echinacea Alcohol Extract
- Herb Pharm® Echinacea Extract
- Herb Pharm® Echinacea Extract - Alcohol Free
- Herb Pharm® Super Echinacea Extract
Elderberry & Elder Flower
Medicinal use of the flowers and berries of the elder shrub have been documented across many different cultures all around the world, and there is evidence of their use to treat sickness as far back as thousands of years ago. Studies have supported this long-held belief, showing that elderberry extract can help inhibit the replication of viruses, and may even reduce the length of illness by several days when taken early. Elder flowers also act as a natural decongestant, helping to relieve symptoms such as sinus discomfort. The flower can also help induce sweating and is a traditional method for breaking fevers. In addition, elderberries and elder flowers contain high levels of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and vitamin C, all of which help to strengthen the immune system and promote healing.
- Elder Flowers
- Herb Pharm® Elder Flower Extract
- Dr. Christopher's Elder Berry Alcohol Extract
- Elderberry Family Farms® Whole Dried Elderberries
- Elderberry Family Farms® Elderberry Juice Powder
- Elderberry Family Farms® Elderberry Concentrate
The root of goldenseal, a plant native to eastern North America, is popular for its ability to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system. These roots are rich in berberine, a natural compound that has many benefits, among them being its significant antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Goldenseal also stimulates the immune system and can help detoxify parts of the body, such as the liver, which is important to vital immune function. It can even help reduce inflammation, soothing the symptoms of illness and allowing the body to heal.
While the herb is powerful, it is important to consider that goldenseal is nearly endangered and is becoming harder to find in many parts of the world. This is due to its increase in popularity leading to over-harvesting. If you wish to try goldenseal, but want to avoid contributing to its decline, look for cultivated goldenseal over wildcrafted goldenseal, and research your sources to ensure the plant is sustainably harvested.
- Goldenseal Root
- Dr Christopher's Goldenseal Extract
- Herb Pharm® Goldenseal Extract
- Solaray® Goldenseal Capsules
Cayenne is primarily known as a popular culinary spice, and you may be surprised to learn that it also has significant health benefits. This pepper stimulates blood flow and is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, antioxidants, and vitamin C, all of which assist your body in fighting infection. Cayenne can even help thin mucus, allowing easier drainage of sinuses, and the anti-inflammatory benefits can provide relief to painful, swollen throats and nasal passages.
- Cayenne Powder
- Dr. Christopher's Cayenne Capsules (40,000 H.U.)
- Dr. Christopher's Cayenne Extract (40,000 H.U.)
- Dr. Christopher's Hot Cayenne Extract (180,000 H.U.)
- Solaray Cool Cayenne Capsules (40,000 H.U.)
Like cayenne, you may associate garlic with cooking more than with well-being, but the truth is that this tasty ingredient has been used in tonics and traditional healing practices for thousands of years. Garlic is particularly useful for those suffering bacterial or viral infecitons due to its wealth of immune-boosting nutrients, its anti-microbial properties, and its ability to stimulate the immune system. Garlic can help reduce the production of mucus, helping to relieve runny noses and prevent congestion, and it can reduce inflammation, helping to reduce symptoms. Garlic can be eaten fresh or cooked, or taken as a supplement in extract, oil, capsule, or tea form.
Ginger root is native to southeast Asia and has long been popular as an ingredient for both cooking and traditional medicine. Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory, meaning it can help soothe swelling in sore throats, sinuses, or nasal passages, and it acts as a natural decongestant. It can also boost immune system function through its high antioxidant content and anti-microbial properties. Ginger can induce sweating and helps to improve blood circulation, promoting healing and helping your body regulate temperature during a fever. If you have a stomach bug, ginger is an excellent choice, as it can help reduce the sensation of nausea and aid in digestion. Ginger can be eaten fresh or cooked, made into a delicious tea, or taken in capsules or as an extract.
Much more than just a popular spice, Oregano is often used medicinally due to its natural anti-microbial compounds and richness in nutrients such as antioxidants. In addition to combating pathogens directly, oregano promotes white blood cell activity, helping call your immune system to action. Anti-inflammatory compounds help reduce pain and swelling, and the herb is well-known as a decongestant, cough reliever, and natural analgesic, helping to reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of a cold or flu. Oregano is often taken as an oil, tea, or extract, and can even be found in capsules.
Myrrh, a resin extracted from the Commiphora tree, has been valued for thousands of years due to its pleasant smell and medicinal properties. In addition to being naturally anti-microbial, myrrh is a natural astringent with the ability to tighten mucous membranes, which can help relieve painful sore throats. It is also a natural expectorant, helping to loosen mucus and clear congestion, and its anti-inflammatory properties help relieve pain and swelling in the throat, sinuses, and nose. Last but not least, myrrh stimulates immune cells, helping your body fight off the infection. Myrrh is most often used as an extract or essential oil.
Yarrow is a common flowering plant found across the northern hemisphere, and has been used medicinally for at least 3,000 years. Yarrow can help those with a cold or flu through its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, which can calm irritation in the throat and ease coughs. It also acts as a decongestant, providing relief for nasal passages and airways. Yarrow can help to induce sweating, and is often used to soothe an upset stomach. In addition, this herb is naturally antimicrobial, and can help to detoxify the body, potentially strengthening immune response. Yarrow can be taken as a tea, an extract, or in capsules.
Peppermint, often used topically as an essential oil or brewed into a tasty hot tea, is a popular choice to help relieve the symptoms of sickness. Peppermint contains menthol, which helps open airways and relieve congestion, and its cooling effect can help soothe the pain of a sore throat. Menthol can also act as a muscle relaxant, which can help relieve body aches and pains associated with sickness. Peppermint has even been found to have antibacterial and antiviral properties, and is often used to soothe upset stomachs and reduce nausea.
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm leaves are rich in antioxidants and contain compounds that inhibit viruses, helping to fight off sickness such as the flu. Its anti-inflammatory compounds and natural analgesic properties help ease body aches, sore throats, and swollen nasal passages. This herb is thought to lower fevers due to its ability to reduce sweating. In addition, lemon balm helps relax the nervous system, reduce stress, and improve sleep, all of which are important for healing and immune system function. Is is often taken as a tea or extract, but can also be found in capsule form.
Vitamin C
Due to its high antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunity-boosting properties, vitamin C is well-known and well-studied for its ability to combat colds, flu, and other infections. Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells and antibodies, and even supports the function of immune cells. Studies suggest that supplementing with vitamin C during a cold can reduce both the severity of illness and its duration.
- Truly Natural Vitamin C Capsules
- Truly Natural Vitamin C Powder
- Pure Essence® Whole C™
- Integral Wellness® D3 + C + Zinc Multivitamin
Zinc is an essential nutrient needed to build immune cells, which allow your body to detect and fight off invading pathogens. In addition, zinc stimulates the production of antibodies, and can even inhibit the replication of viruses and reduce inflammation. In many studies, zinc has been shown to reduce the duration of sickness.
- Pure Synergy® Zinc Complex
- Liquid Health® Ionic Zinc Drops
- Solaray® Zinc 50mg
- Integral Wellness® D3 + C + Zinc Multivitamin
Leafy, green vegetables are incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are vital to illness recovery. Vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate keep the immune system strong, while antioxidants, flavonoids, and Omega-3 fatty acids help lower inflammation levels. Many greens are rich in vitamin K and help support respiratory healing. Incorporating these greens into your diet is a great way to help provide your body with the tools to fight off sickness. Greens can be eaten raw, cooked, or supplemented in powder form.
- Dr. Christopher's Jurassic Green Capsules
- Dr. Christopher's Jurassic Green Powder 4oz
- Dr. Christopher's Jurassic Green Powder 16oz
- Integral Wellness® Greens + Reds with Immune Support
- SunWarrior® Ormus Supergreens
- Sunfood® Organic Supergreens & Protein
Raw Honey
Raw honey has been used to treat colds and other infections for thousands of years, and has recently been the subject of numerous scientific studies analyzing its immune-boosting effects. Honey is naturally antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that promote healthy immune response. It can also help soothe a sore throat by coating the irritated tissue, and its ability to suppress coughing has been shown to be at least as effective as many over-the-counter cough syrups. Honey can also be infused with herbs (such as elderberry, garlic, ginger, or cayenne) or added to herbal teas to boost their effects.
- Elderberry Family Farms® Raw Honey
- Elderberry Family Farms® Elderberry Infused Raw Honey
- Elderberry Family Farms® Garlic Infused Raw Honey
- Elderberry Family Farms® Ginger Infused Raw Honey
Formulas and Products for Cold & Flu Care
Dr. Christopher's Super Garlic Immune Formula
One of Dr. Christopher's most popular formulas, Super Garlic Immune (previously known as Anti-Plague) is a blend of powerful ingredients that boost the immune system and help promote circulation. This formula can be taken throughout the winter season or at the onset of sickness and comes as a 16oz Syrup, 4oz Syrup, or 2oz Extract.
Dr. Christopher's X-INFX Formula
Formulated to cleanse the body's lymphatic system, X-INFX (formerly the Infection Formula) helps detoxify and remove infection from the body and support overall health. This blend comes in capsules or bulk powder.
Dr. Christopher's VRL Formula
This synergistic blend of immunity herbs was formulated to help combat viral infections and is perfect to have on hand for the winter season.
Dr. Christopher's Sinus & Lung Formula
Dr. Christopher's Sinus & Lung Formula was created to help defend the sinuses and respiratory system from infection and support proper nasal function.
Dr. Christopher's Echinacea & Goldenseal
Dr. Christopher's Echinacea & Goldenseal formula combines two of the most popular immunity herbs into one easy-to-take product. Echinacea and goldenseal work together synergistically to enhance immune function and fight sickness.
Dr. Christopher's Respiratory Syrup
Dr. Christopher's Respiratory Syrup helps support the immune system, support healthy bronchial function, and defend the respiratory system from infection.
Dr. Christopher's Respiratory Massage Oil
When applied topically to the surrounding areas, this massage oil promotes the health of the respiratory system, including the sinuses and lungs, and may provide relief for respiratory issues.
Dr. Christopher's Sen Sei Menthol Rub
A popular Christopher's formula that helps support the sinuses, loosen mucus, and reduce congestion. This relieving ointment comes in both economic 2oz and travel-friendly ¼oz sizes.
Dr. Christopher's Herbal Throat Syrup
This syrup, containing herbs such as wild cherry, licorice, marshmallow, mullein, and ginger, was formulated to soothe sore throats and ease coughing while providing an immune boost.
Elderberry Family Farms® Elderberry Plus Throat Support
This tincture combines the immune-boosting benefits of elderberry with marshmallow root, licorice root, echinacea purpurea, thyme leaf, and orange peel. The mucilage content found in marshmallow and licorice helps coat and soothe the throat and promote healing.
Elderberry Family Farms® Elderberry Plus Respiratory Support
This extract combines the immune-boosting benefits of elderberry with the respiratory support found in marshmallow root, mullein leaf, wild cherry bark, licorice root, ginger root, and lemon peel.
Elderberry Family Farms® Elderberry Plus Immune Support
This formula combines elderberry with the additional immune support of herbs such as echinacea angustifolia, echinacea purpurea, red raspberry leaf, and rosehips.
Herb Pharm® Rapid Immune Boost
This formula, containing echinacea, goldenseal, osha, horseradish, ginger, elderberry, yarrow, and more, will help quickly jump-start your immune system in response to infection.
Herb Pharm® Vi-Be-Gone
Made with ingredients such as lomatium, echinacea, and lemon balm, this formula helps support healthy immune function in response to viral infection.
Herb Pharm® Lung Expectorant
This tincture contains ingredients traditionally used to promote expectoration of the lungs, respiratory health, and strong immune response.
Herb Pharm® Golden Echinacea
Herb Pharm's Golden Echinacea combines the infection-fighting properties of echinacea purpurea and organic, cultivated goldenseal. This formula also comes in an alcohol-free version.
Herb Pharm® Soothing Throat Spray
This formula contains immune-boosting, soothing herbs and can help relieve throat irritation caused by sickness.
Herbal Cold Care™ Tea
This comforting tea promotes healing by inclusion of immunity-boosting herbs such as yarrow, elder flower, peppermint, rosehip, clove, and ginger.
Cold Care P.M.® Tea
This soothing tea was formulated to promote respiratory health and support a good night's sleep.
Throat Coat® Tea
The high mucilage content found in herbs like slippery elm, licorice root, marshmallow root, and fennel help to coat the throat, providing soothing relief and allowing tissue to heal.
Throat Coat® Lozenges
Ingredients such as pectin help coat and soothe the throat, while menthol acts as a natural oral anesthetic, relieving pain and reducing coughing. Available in 3 delicious flavors.
Be Well Tea
A healing and aromatic blend of traditional anti-viral herbs, ginger, and citrus.
If you find yourself feeling unwell this season, we hope that the products, herbs, and supplements outlined above can help you find some relief and speed up your recovery. When sick, it's natural to want to feel better as soon as possible, but remember to not to stress--just get plenty of rest, drink enough fluids, and take care of yourself, and you'll be ready to join us next week, where we will discuss how to support your body during recovery from illness.
We at the herb shop wish you all a healthy holiday season. Thanks for reading!
About the Writer Emori Brown has worked for Dr. Christopher’s Herb Shop since 2018. In addition to writing blog posts and newsletters, Emori cashiers and works in the shipping department. She is passionate about providing people with the tools for improving their health and is excited to share knowledge surrounding the formulas and services we have here at the Herb Shop. |